Chelsea Handler Explains Why She Went An Entire Year Without Having Sex

Chelsea Handler has a lot of sex. Chelsea Handler has sex with her personal trainer, her tennis instructor, her landscaper, and even a boy in Barcelona. (We hope/assume she means figurative “boy,” not literal.) But as Handler explained to a borderline squeamish Conan on Wednesday night, that was not always the case. Perhaps triggered by her busy schedule working on her recent Netflix documentary series, Handler recently went through a dry spell, at which point she was so busy that she didn’t even notice until 10 months in.

But if you’ve gone 10 months, why not make it an entire year, as a friend of hers pointed out — which was how Chelsea Handler ended up going an entire year of her adult life without having sex. And for the record, she says that she’ll never do it again. Why hasn’t she made a documentary about this yet? Inquiring minds want to know!