Kyle Mooney Lives His Hip Hop Dreams Against Kanye West On ‘SNL’ With Surprising Results

Kanye West did a bit more than just perform, finally release him album, and not smile during his appearance on SNL. He also got into a freestyle rap battle with Kyle Mooney that was filled with a lot of Kanye. And in the end, only one of them stood triumphant. The other stood somewhere in a delusional stupor without any pants on.

It was a dream for Mooney to become the best rapper in the game, so he saw Kanye’s appearance on SNL as his chance to finally prove himself and take his spot on the throne. Despite all common sense, Mooney works up the nerve to take the plunge and seems pretty content by the end. His journey to that moment is the best part, especially the breakdancing as a kid. He’s got moves that would make any suburban kid blush, which is definitely enough to convince you to take on arguably one of the best rappers of all time.

Of course, this is Kanye we’re talking about. He rants and goes on about his genius all the time. He’s hard to peg down. You really don’t know who looks crazier in this sketch by the end, but it is funny to hear him say he loves Kyle like Kanye loves Kanye.

(Via SNL)

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