Help Kanye West Get Out Of Debt By Donating To This GoFundMe

After sorting through his couch cushions for spare change, which is the most relatable thing he’s done in years, Kanye West, who claims he’s $53 million in debt, reached out to Mark Zuckerberg for a small loan. What’s one billion smackers between the CEO of Facebook and Kim Kardashian’s husband?

(2016 is a very weird time to be alive.)

Zuckerberg still hasn’t responded (unlike Pizza Hut, which offered him a job), but the ever-helpful Internet is making sure Kanye can keep his family in furs and houses. A GoFundMe has been started to “Get Kanye Out of Debt.”

As Kanye West has told us time and time again he is the “greatest living artist and greatest artist of all time.” Great artists need to be supported financially to achieve their full potential.

To quote Mr. West, “I am Warhol. I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney. Nike. Google. Now who’s gonna be the Medici family and stand up and let me create more!”


The founder of the campaign, Jeremy Piatt, told Mashable that he’s “trying to help out the greatest living artist of our time while he’s in need… I knew I had to do anything I could to help, because as all my friends would tell you, I’m just a very giving person.” So far, his “friends” have donated $314.

Some people are taking the stunt very seriously. Too seriously.

I donate negative 54 million dollars. Maybe his clothing line should not have looked like the bums in Compton designed them. Wtf?? How about we raise money to feed starving children here in America?? Hmmm.. What a thought.

Please….How about you suck the implant out of your wifes ass and auction it off…..What an Idiot

I will leave you zero dollars. You are the biggest jerkoff in the world and married to that disgusting pig. I’ll be willing to help you raise money if you’re willing to fight me for a charity event. 50% goes to a charity such as St. Jude’s, Make A Wish or Wounded Warrior and the other 50% goes to your stupid cause. I don’t want a dollar…only the satisfaction of punching you in the face. Let’s see what kind of man you really are.

Says the man commenting on a GoFundMe page. If you want to donate $52.9 million, or threaten to punch Kanye in the face, here you go.

(Via GoFundMe and Mashable)

Now Watch: He Said, She Said: The Feud Between Kanye West And Taylor Swift