Robert Plant Once Asked The Runaways’ Lita Ford To Replace John Paul Jones In Led Zeppelin

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There’s an alternate universe in which Lita Ford played bass for Led Zeppelin. In her new memoir Living Like A Runaway, The Runaways guitarist recalls a moment where Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant asked her if she could play bass for the band, after watching her perform in Los Angeles back in 1975.

According to a report from Consequence Of Sound, this is how the exchange happened.

“[He] asked me if I could play bass. ‘For who?’ I asked. ‘Led Zep.’ He might have been drinking or pulling my leg, but he seemed to be dead serious in the moment.”

Ford never heard from Plant about the possible gig again, but Jones did leave Led Zeppelin around the same time.

Granted, this isn’t first time Ford has talked about Plant’s offering. She also discussed it during an interview with Bravewords.

“I shook it off like it was a joke, but I don’t think he was joking. I said, ‘Yeah sure, right,’ and left it at that. I didn’t even try to pursue that one. I love John Paul Jones — he’s one of my favorite bass players. I just couldn’t imagine me replacing him. But the fact that they thought about a female in their band I thought was pretty cool.”

(Via NME)