Salma Hayek Devastated After Discovering Her Family Dog Shot To Death

Losing a pet is heartbreaking regardless of the circumstances, but to have your best friend taken from you by nefarious means creates a wound that may never heal. Humans and their pets communicate through means other than language, and while the pets surely know how much they’re loved, to not be there to hold them and say those key words as they fade away is being robbed of a special moment that no one has the right to ever steal. This utter horror is being felt by Salma Hayek, whose family dog was shot and killed at her Washington State ranch by an unknown assassin.

I haven’t posted for a week as I been mourning the death of my dog, Mozart who I personally delivered out of his mother’s womb. He was found dead in my ranch last Friday with a shot close to his heart. I am hoping that the Washington State authorities do justice to this wonderful dog whom in 9 years never bit or attacked anyone. He loved his territory and never strayed away…he was the most loving and loyal companion. He didn’t deserve a slow and painful death.

Little is known about who could’ve done this, and the Washington State Police have not returned any calls to various media outlets. Hopefully the killer is found in short order.

(via TMZ)