Why The Orioles Are Banning Their Awesome Postgame Pie Celebrations This Year

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It’s been somewhat of a trying offseason for the Baltimore Orioles and their fans this winter. The team did manage to lock up power hitting first baseman Chris Davis long-term, but they lost out on the Dexter Fowler free agency sweepstakes in surprising fashion. This weekend, they got some news of another loss.

Postgame pies to the face courtesy of star outfielder Adam Jones became somewhat of a tradition in Baltimore, but the team has reportedly put the kibosh on the shenanigans due to safety concerns. That means no more pies to the mug of the Orioles’ player of the game, and occasionally the mascot.


I’m not quite sure what kind of threat the O’s believe the pastries pose, but it’s significant enough that an executive decision was needed on the matter. Luckily, there are people in place earning the big bucks to make those important calls.

Ironically, the Orioles had a partnership with a local bakery, Dangerously Delicious, that provided two pies per home game so that the team didn’t have to use shaving cream pies, which players complained stung their eyes.

It’ll be interesting to keep an eye on whether or not Jones and the Orioles come up with an alternative — and possibly “safer” — postgame celebration for this upcoming season. Luckily, they have all of Spring Training to develop and fine tune their celebration game.

(Via SB Nation)