Got a death wish for Death Wish? You’re in luck.
The long-rumored remake of the 1974 Charles Bronson killfest looks to be back on track with Bruce Willis assuming Bronson’s role as Paul Kersey, a liberal stooge turned gun-toting vigilante after his wife and daughter are terrorized by a gang. The project, which has cycled through a raft of potential directors, looks to have settled on the Israeli duo of Aharon Keshales & Navot Papushado, who previously made another revenge thriller, Big Bad Wolves.
The remake was initially in the hands of director Joe Carnahan (Smokin’ Aces, The A-Team), who also contributed to the script which also got polishes from Tony Gilroy (Michael Clayton, The Bourne Legacy) and Graham Yost (Justifed) as per Deadline.
Death Wish would ultimately become a franchise as well as arguably Bronson’s most well-known material. The original, though full of violence and bloodshed, was more of a psychological character study, before giving way to more traditional action movie tropes as the series of films went on.
Willis, of course, is no stranger to action franchises. He will soon be making yet another Die Hard flick; perhaps Death Wish will become his next foray into such a universe? Stay tuned.
(via SlashFilm)