Kanye West Asks Steve Ballmer If He Can Redesign The Clippers’ Mascot

Los Angeles Clippers mascot
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The Los Angeles Clippers unveiled a new mascot earlier this month to relatively little fanfare. Why? Perhaps it’s because Chuck, a California Condor, is among the more innocuous and obviously child-friendly mascots the sporting world has ever seen. There’s just nothing offensive about the Clippers’ giant bird.

Well, at least that’s what we thought. But Kanye West, sonic genius and budding fashion icon, seems to disagree.


We’ll let you know if Los Angeles owner Steve Ballmer takes West up on his plea.

As much as we appreciate the Life of Pablo artist’s taste in clothing, though, it’s safe to assume he’ll remain on the outside of the Clippers’ branding efforts. Outfits like this, unfortunately, don’t exactly appeal to the masses.