Become Part Of The ‘Hall Of Faces’ With ‘Game Of Thrones’ Showing At SXSW

SXSW has turned into South By South Westeros, with an impressive Game of Thrones showing focusing on the Hall of Faces that will likely be a focal point of season 6, which premiers on April 24th. It’s unknown if you must utter the words “valar morghulis” in order to enter this section of the festival, where a guard will reply “valar dohaeris” but even if you don’t have to, you probably should. It’s how things have been done for thousands of years, and for the last week.

Yes, all men must die, but not before enjoying themselves by taking a tour of HBO’s hit show in Austin, Texas. Even Bill Murray probably showed up! As seen above, you can sit on the Iron Throne, despite not being King.

Catch a glimpse of what Bravos is like, with Arya Stark’s garbs from her acolyte training.

Even the stars of Silicon Valley will bend a knee to the Executive Producer sitting in the Iron Throne.

You can see that Thomas Middleditch has become no one, along with some cool dude wearing sunglasses.

Things are ramping up as the (potentially) penultimate season to Game of Thrones prepares to break our hearts and blow our minds. Even the marketing, which has been quite cool.

(Via Film School Rejects)