Robert Downey Jr. Explains Why We Probably Won’t Be Seeing An ‘Iron Man 4’

Robert Downey Jr. has played Tony Stark in 7 films in the last 8 years, and with Captain America: Civil War on the horizon, fans of the Marvel extended universe are wondering when a film will again focus solely on Iron Man. Considering there’s a lot of things about to go down, RDJ doesn’t think any time soon. That doesn’t mean he won’t have co-lead billing on Civil War. This is Cap and Iron Man’s movie – don’t be mistaken.

He said as much to USA Today:

“In a way it’s Cap 3 but for me it’s like my little Iron Man 4 and then it’s back to the thing we all recognize. Everything pulls over to the side of the road when the thunder of an Avengers thing comes through because that’s how it is until it changes. If it changes.”

He also gave some insight into his love for his fans, explaining that he probably won’t go full bad guy like Stark did in the comic version of Civil War (despite having strong motives rooted in good as his point of view).

“If we’re going to go there, then we’ve got to save it for my swan song. I would still like to keep a general audience and mildly be in their favor somehow.”

But when will his swan song come? We know that the Infinity Gauntlet movie is a two-parter, but there’s also a whole slew of conspiracy theorists who believe that (Spoiler alert for a ten-year-old comic!) Iron Man, not Captain America will die at the end of Civil War to shake things up.

Would Marvel Studios risk killing off Tony, considering the money Iron Man rakes in at the theaters is almost as much as Tony Stark has in his comic book bank account?

(Via USA Today)

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