Chelsea Handler Offers Up Details On Her Netflix Talk Show Courtesy Of A Handwritten To-Do List

Polite Request: If you bump into former E! staple Chelsea Handler in your day-to-day, be sure to remind her that she’s got some work to do.

The Chelsea Lately talent made the leap to Netflix with her docu-series Chelsea Does earlier this year, and now she’s offered up details on what to expect from her upcoming talk show on the service via the time-honored art of the to-do list. If you’ll direct your attention to the handwritten letter above (so cooperative!), that white rectangle with notes like “no commercials,” “Arnold Schwarzenegger’s maid” and “good timing, girl” serves as a de facto press release giving up big chunklets of what’s around the bend.

The half-hour program will be a three-night a week offering airing every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in a commercial-free format (cuz Netflix) and will be flipping the bird to regional rights restrictions by airing in 196 countries. If we didn’t know any better, we’d say it almost sounds like a pay cable program, but on a streaming service. Handler will apparently be travelling around the globe in some capacity for this endeavor, so there’s also that to look forward to. (Come to think of it, maybe she and Conan O’Brien should look into launching their own travelogue shows?)

Here’s a gentle self-nudge Handler gives herself to make the most of this opportunity.

You wanted a new show, you got it. You wanted to be on Netflix, you are. You wanted to spread your wings, now fly, Bitch.

When does this new dollop of Chelsea Handler television action premiere? That lucky date is May 11. Ideally, there will be a title attached to it by then. Or maybe not. 2016 is a kooky place like that.