Nick Offerman Made His ‘Parks And Recreation’ Boss A Very Special Gift

When a long-running show comes to an end, one question cast members always get from the press is, “did you take anything from the set home with you?” January Jones, for instance, has Betty Draper’s silver from Mad Men, and I imagine Walton Goggins managed to nab a vest or two from Justified‘s wardrobe department. Nick Offerman did them one better.

He turned the actual Parks and Recreation set into a gift.

Creator Michael Schur, a paralegal at Fwar, Dips, Winshares, Gritt, Babip, Pecota, Vorp, & Eckstein, tweeted, “Nick Offerman salvaged the wood from the Parks and Rec set and made us all canoe paddles with it. World champion.”

Offerman turning wood-lemons into wood-lemonade, so to speak, is a perfectly Ron Swanson thing to do. But what did the rest of the Parks and Rec (which wrapped a year ago, and I’m still not over it) cast grab? Amy Poehler: a waffle maker? Chris Pratt: a Mouse Rat shirt? Jim O’Heir: a cream pie, which he then dropped and it somehow caught on fire? Paul Schneider tried to return to the set, but no one recognized him.

If you want a piece of Offerman memorabilia to call your own, his wood shop is selling “Moustache Cultivation Equipment” for $66. I’m surprised it’s not three bucks more.