Sink Your Teeth Into Kirsten Dunst’s Throwback Pic Of Her And Brad Pitt From ‘Interview With The Vampire’

Kirsten Dunst was once a child. You likely know this. We have it on good authority that many of today’s popular adults were once children or at least smaller versions of their later selves. As you may remember, Dunst was amazing (and somewhat terrifying) in the role of Claudia in the 1994 film adaptation of Interview with the Vampire, and now we’ve been treated to a Flashback Friday pic from the (now) 33-year-old talent.

That’s Dunst and co-star Brad Pitt sharing the snap that lives on the top of this post which was brought into our world through the magic of Instagram. Pitt, who seems to be aging at a vampire’s pace, isn’t exactly all smiles in the pic, but when you’ve lost a few buttons on your shirt you’re allowed to pull back the smile in pictures. The Fargo star doesn’t Instagram all that much, but she’s managed to place a spotlight on some other throwback moments over the course of her 14 total posts.

As People helpfully points out, Kirsten Dunst revealed on Conan a few years back that her first kiss ever was with Brad Pitt for the film. (She was 11 years old at the time and once again we stress it was for the movie.) Some tweens might be in a tizzy over the opportunity to smooch Pitt, but Dunst says it wasn’t her cup of tea at all.

“I thought it was disgusting. I was 11. It would have been weird if I was like ‘this is amazing, I’m kissing Brad Pitt.'”

We look forward to more Flashback Friday pics from Dunst, although we wouldn’t mind a bonus account showing the assorted looks of Peggy Blumquist. Y’know, if we can get greedy like that.

(via People)