Is ‘Doctor Strange’ A Christopher Nolan Movie? The Trailer Similarities You Might Have Missed

Marvel released the first trailer for Doctor Strange on Tuesday night. Ya heard?

It looks… not really like a Marvel movie. Aside from Tilda Swinton playing some sort of bald sorcerer, which just feels like a role she would eventually inhabit (I can’t be alone in this sentiment, can I?), there’s not a lot of everyday, garden-variety Marvel-ness to the proceedings. There is, however, plenty of Christopher Nolan all over the place.

Start with Tilda. She’s teaching Benedict Cumberbatch’s titular character how to become an expert in martial arts in 10 minutes or less. Sounds a lot like Liam Neeson and Christian Bale in the first act of Batman Begins, doesn’t it? And then there are those walls — spinning, flipping, making us seasick. And those entire cities curving and folding over onto themselves? Um, Inception anyone? If that’s not enough of an eerily similar comparison, don’t even get us started on the music.

Nolan is currently cashing dem checks thanks to his role as a producer on Batman V. Superman while he gets things rolling on his next movie, but he or his people might want to consider reaching out to the suits at Marvel and asking for a little compensation or at least something off the back end. All the overlapping unfurled in this trailer really are that uncanny.

Don’t believe it? Watch the video above and see for yourself.