Taylor Swift Is Just A Big Cat Lady Now That Her Tour Is Over


Now that she doesn’t have to worry about singing to sold-out arenas and making #squad arrangements, Taylor Swift has returned to her natural state of cat lady. The 1989 singer always goes hard at everything she does, so rather than just talk about her cats at a party like a normal cat lady, she actually brought the cat to the party.

Presumably she pointed to her every time she said she “wasn’t like other cats.”

Swift has been posting regularly about Meredith since she came off tour, even posting a video of her petting the cat as a direct response to the interview question “So, how do you spend your time now that the tour is over?”




Of course, Taylor hasn’t just holed up with her cats in recent months. She covered Vogue recently and used the interview to reveal that she’s just as tired of the Kanye West feud as all of us.

“‘They pull me back in!‘,” she said, quoting The Godfather III. “I think the world is so bored with the saga. I don’t want to add anything to it, because then there’s just more.”

And of course, there’s that “Jumpman” commercial that managed to give Drake and Future a major boost.

(Via Mashable)