Someone Is Selling A Bag Of Air From Kobe’s Final Game, Like The Kind You Breathe

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There are so many things that you can purchase to honor Kobe Bryant’s final professional basketball game. Without actually checking, there are probably something like 5,000 t-shirts that were made for the game.

Or, if you have a lot of money, you could procure a hat that costs around an average yearly salary. But that’s not all. Now you can purchase a bag of air from the Staples Center from Kobe’s final game. Seriously, some person took a bag, slapped a piece of tape on it, and said that the bag was filled with air from Mamba’s 60-point showing against the Jazz.

This is one of those things that you’d hope no one actually bids on. Putting aside the serious legitimacy questions that everyone rightfully has over this, this is just a bag of air! There is zero value to purchasing something like this, just like there was no value to that bag of air from a Kanye concert that people were bidding way too much money on.

And guess what, this doesn’t matter to people who have way too much money. There was a time where this bag was going for more than $15,000 before eBay caught wind of this and took it down. On one hand, taking it down is good because this is dumb, but on the other, you almost wish that someone would lose money if they bid 15 grand on a bag of air.

(via SI)