“Whoever you are, where ever you go, someone wants to murder you.”
Those cheery words from Tyrion Lannister kick off the last season six trailer for Game of Thrones, which finally debuts this Sunday on HBO. Fans of the show who have picked through all the previous trailers (condensed here into one mega-trailer for the lazy) won’t notice any new major revelations about the stories we’re about to see, but there are just enough new snippets of footage to increase our excitement for the show’s return.
Wait, I thought the Meereen Marathon was supposed to be next week. Oh well, I’m sure nothing bad ever follows a crowd of fleeing peasants.
When Drogon shows up, this guy’s gonna be the first one getting devoured.
Duel wield guy still looks super badass. Especially when you consider he’s probably unsheathing that second sword from the corpse of a guy he just killed.
Ellaria Sand looking like she’s about to get what’s coming to her for killing Princess Myrcella. Seriously, Myrcella was about to marry Trystane Martell, and considering Tommen’s chances of surviving season six, the Dornish were pretty damn close to suddenly being on the Iron Throne. I expect a fitting punishment that will make everything we suffered through during the previous season in Dorne worthwhile.
Game of Thrones season six debuts Sunday, April 24 at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.