This Restaurant Is Helping People Get Out Of Awkward Tinder Dates


Modern dating can be a minefield of creepy text messages and even more awkward dates. This is especially true if you’re using Tinder. One bar in England has recognized this, and is now doing the Lord’s work by helping women get out of bad Tinder dates.

According to Grub Street, a bar in London called the Brickyard has posted a sign instructing women on awful Tinder dates about how to notify bar staff that they want to leave. Specifically, the sign encourages women to ask for Rachelle or Jennifer, and says they will get the person who asks a taxi, or anything else that needs to be done to end the date and make people feel comfortable again.

The words at the end show that the bar really cares:

Your safety and happiness is our highest priority.

If anyone is bothering you or making you feel uncomfortable please tell us. We will discreetly move them away, and if necessary, ask them to leave.

The Brickyard is safe and fun, we want you to enjoy your time here. Talk to us and we’ll sort it out :)

This is an amazing way not only to make women (and hopefully men) feel safer, but to make dating in the 21st century a less soul-sucking process. Hopefully bars stateside start following suit.

(via Grub Street)