Chris Pratt Shows Off Part Of The ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2’ Set While Cracking Jokes

You don’t have to be Kurt Russell or Sylvester Stallone to check out the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in Atlanta and have lunch with Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) himself. Last month, Chris Pratt and Omaze released a video to announce a contest benefiting a Boys and Girls Club located in Pratt’s hometown of Lake Stevens, Washington.

Now they’ve put out a second video from the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2., in which Pratt shows off the amazing sights around the set, the most expensive blue masking tape in the world, and the eggs from craft services you might be sharing with Pratt if you win the contest.

Put in that mixtape, situate your headphones and press play, because you and a friend are headed to the set of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 in Atlanta! As Star-Lord and the team continue on their intergalactic adventures, you’ll be right there for all the action, funny stuff and quality time with one of our favorite people ever, Chris Pratt. Check out the set and Milano, get your own awesome mixtape and get lunch with Chris so he can tell you all his secrets (not guaranteed). Flights and hotel included.

There are other prizes to be had, but who can think about those when there’s a chance to hang out with Chris Pratt in the offing? He’s so dreamy.

(Via Omaze)