Tom Brady Will Serve His Four-Game Suspension In 2016 After An Appeals Court Ruling

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This should take the air out of Patriots fans — remember that Tom Brady four-game suspension for deflating footballs that was reduced to zero games? Well, it’s back on again.

As you may recall, Brady was punished for his role in the Patriots deflating footballs during their AFC title game against the Colts at the end of the 2014 season. He destroyed his cell phone instead of handing it over to investigators and while he was never explicitly ruled guilty of wrongdoing, we all know he’s guilty so he got four games.

Then in September 2015, U.S. District Court judge Richard Berman nullified the NFL’s ruling, which allowed Brady to play in 2016.

But an appeal to that appeal has reversed the reversal.

Here’s the language of the Monday’s decision:

This will likely lead to an appeal of the appeal and maybe another cell phone being destroyed, but as of now, Brady won’t play in the Patriots’ first four games next season.

You can be sure that this won’t be the end. But on the bright side, we get to talk about the Patriots being cheaters in April, which is an added bonus to the start of baseball season and the NBA/NHL playoffs.