The Game Paid An Ungodly Amount For A Custom Painting Of Prince

For most people, expendable income means we can afford a few extra nice things, here and there. Maybe a dinner out on the town or possibly a new pair shoes. If we’re really lucky, maybe we’ll accumulate enough extra scratch to pay for a vacation to somewhere other than work. The Game is not most people. Far from actually.

According to TMZ, The Game has enough play money to justify having a $65,000 painting of Prince commissioned, immediately upon his idol’s passing. The artist responsible is Madsteez, who says Game specifically picked a scene from Purple Rain to turn turn into the portrait, which took 100 hours to create and consists of oil, acrylic and spray paints. The painting is currently hanging in the Compton rapper’s living room.

If you had $65,000 of expendable income to blow, where would a 8′ x 6′ portrait of The Purple One fall on your priority list?