Wild(ling) Things: Brienne And Tormund Get The Romantic Montage They Deserve

Poor Jaime Lannister. Dude loses an arm, then his daughter dies, and now another man is making goo-goo eyes at his friend. Brienne of Tarth and Tormund Giantsbane, or “TORIENNE,” is the Internet’s new shipping sensation, after she arrived to Castle Black with Sansa and Podrick in Sunday’s on-fire episode and he and his beard smoldered, while chowing on bread, in her direction. Here’s a typical response:


Or in terms a Wildling would appreciate:


There are few couples left on Game of Thrones worth caring about — Khal Drogo and Ygritte are dead, no one liked Myranda, Davos is forever alone, Margaery’s in prison and away from Tommen, Jorah and Daario haven’t kissed (yet) — so it’s no surprise that fans have flocked to Brienne and Tormund in a way they haven’t for Sam and Gilly. Brienne and Tormund are awesome! They’re imposing warriors who fight bears and say things like, “I like you, boy, but if you lie to me, I’ll pull your guts out through your throat.”

They found love in a hopeless place, Castle Black, and now someone’s made them an appropriately romantic montage set to “Dream Weaver.” Brienne and Tormund, it’s so wrong that it’s… wight.