Arnold Schwarzenegger Can’t Get To The Chopper Fast Enough As This Curious Elephant Chases Him


I don’t think anyone would want an African elephant chasing them. Look at that massive creature up there. They’ll mow you down like a toothpick. Elephants have been in the news a lot lately. Unfortunately, they are getting very close to being critically endangered as the desire for ivory skyrockets. This is a tragedy we need to turn around. Luckily, elephants just got one more champion in their corner after a close encounter.

While on Safari with his family, Arnold Schwarzenegger — former governator of California — bumped into an elephant chillin’ in the middle of the road. The safari-goers took their time to admire the noble beast. As they started to drive away, the elephant sauntered off into the bush. Then things took a turn toward the pants-sh*ttingly scary.

Check it out.

No one wants to be on the wrong end of an elephant chasing you down the road. Schwarzenegger is probably best associated with the Republican party after his movie stardom. He is, however, a very liberal Republican by any metric. So there’s a nice little sense of political irony in this elephant’s chase. Arnold added a message of conservation and humanity for all of us to live by in the end.

I couldn’t have written this safari encounter better if it was a movie. I’m absolutely in awe of these beautiful, strong animals, even though some of us had to change our pants after this. We need to stop killing them — take a photo, not a shot. Would you rather be able to experience these creatures or a hunk of ivory? I thought so.

Wise words for us all…

(Via Facebook)