McDonalds is known for all kinds of things. We’re all aware of their wacky food items like chocolate fries, they are the purveyors of unusual love stories, and they’re even experimenting with fresh meats! What you probably didn’t know is that inside a very small handful of Golden Arch’s burgers is a very rare golden ticket! And by golden ticket we mean twenty-dollar bill.
So, move over chicken heads and human teeth, it’s time to make room for money in that Big Mac! According to CBS affiliate WTVR, a man named Dave Cook bit into his cheeseburger this morning and was rewarded with a little more than he bargained for, literally. Sandwiched between the two patties of his dollar menu burger was a less than crisp twenty-dollar bill.
Cook told WTVR he and his mother stopped at the Chesterfield County, Va., location for a quick bite Tuesday morning and were quite surprised at the specialty burger. Two men sitting nearby watched what happened and were strangely disappointed when they looked under their own buns.
After finding the money Cook was reluctant to speak up because he feared someone would claim the cash, but he has since stated that he would return the money to the restaurant if someone claimed it.
We tend to believe whoever put the cash in that delicious meat sandwich is going to keep their mouth shut because they want to keep their job. That’s just speculation though.
(Via WTVR)