Here’s The Other Mitt Romney ‘Slim Shady’ Remix You Probably Knew Was Coming

Well, I for one am not surprised at all that Mitt Romney has inspired another Romney-themed remake of Eminem’s “Slim Shady.” After all, Romney shape-shifts more than a jellyfish caught in a tsunami. I mean, he’s been basically begging for it. And while the first one was great, this one may be even better.

Seriously, I’m really struck by how damn good this is. In every way: the Eminem imitation, the quality and relevance of the lyrics, the homage to the style of the video for the original, etc. It’s just superb. A tip of the cap to New Orleans’ 2-cent and MC Impulss for their work here. Enjoy.

And in case you missed the first “Real Mitt Romney” gem…