Kit Harington Got Beat Up At A McDonald’s The Night Before He Auditioned For ‘Game Of Thrones’

Kit Harington may be the brilliant, undead bastard of Game of Thrones, but he got owned at a Mickey D’s the night before he auditioned for the role of Jon Snow in the uber-popular HBO series.

In a sit-down interview with W magazine, Kit tells the tale of how he and a lady friend went to a McDonald’s and sat near an unruly gentleman. Apparently, that dick didn’t know that he was in the company of a man who would arguably become the most popular character in television history.

Things were said, Harington took exception to the man’s rude comments (who seriously goes to a delicious burger joint to hurl insults at a fellow french fry enthusiast?), but what Harington didn’t realize is that the jerk towered above him like The Mountain. Fast-forward a few seconds, and ol’ Kitty Kat is taking a punch to the melon.

So, Harington showed up — like a champion, I might add — to an audition for one of the most ambitious TV shows of all time with a shiner under his eye. How’s that for fortitude?

The lesson of this story? Well, there is no lesson. Kit got beat up, still won the role of a lifetime… and okay, there’s obviously a lesson here: be great-looking with a gorgeous head of hair and even a black eye won’t stop you from achieving your goals.

(Via W)