‘The Daily Show’ Considers What It Would Look Like Inside Donald Trump’s Cabinet

The Daily Show is certainly limping with their coverage these days, trying to find a stride with new host Trevor Noah against the competition from former TDS standouts Samantha Bee and John Oliver. Noah has a few more days to catch up, allowing him and his team to work on ideas the way the other shows cannot.

That’s why you have to be scratching your head on why this Trump overload seems to have landed in the middle segment of Wednesday’s episode. The lead in is superb, with a look into Donald Trump’s lack of knowledge on the cabinet process and his wise decision to listen to himself when it comes to these decision. He’s got a good brain and all.

This leads to a segment that is literally just Donald Trump talking, contradicting, yelling, and cursing at himself within his own cabinet. It’s sorta like the episode of The Simpsons where Homer finds the cloning hammock, but instead of murdering them all they become leaders of the free world. It’d be a true nightmare with all the yelling.

It isn’t the best the show has had to offer, but it is a nice reminder that Trump claimed he was going to get tough with China by calling them motherf*ckers.