Everyone Went Nuts After This Poster Dunk At The Drew League

The Drew League provided one of the most vicious, unapologetic dunk posterizations that you’ll ever see over the weekend.

After a big man swatted a shot inside the paint, former Colorado guard Shannon Sharpe (no, not that Shannon Sharpe) gathered the loose ball and immediately took it hard to the rim, where he victimized that same big man with a remorseless one-handed dunk.

It’s worth another look:

As to be expected, the jam sent the entire gym into an absolute frenzy, as people in the crowd took awhile to gather themselves after freaking out. Heck, even I needed a moment to bring myself back down after watching the dunk at home. How do you not get totally jacked up after witnessing that?

Unfortunately for the big guy, every dunk posterization has a victim, and this big tree fell hard.

(Via Bleacher Report)