Kit Harington’s ‘Doctor Faustus’ Theatre Run Is Reportedly Being Ruined By ‘Game Of Thrones’ Fans

When Game of Thrones star Kit Harington shaved Jon Snow’s signature wee beard for the West End production of Doctor Faustus in June, fans were none too pleased with the even babier-looking baby-faced actor’s treasonous act of self-grooming. Sure, everyone knows the once-dead Snow came back to life in season six, and that by the time Cersei exacted her sweet, explosive revenge on just about everyone else in existence, the product of the R+L=J theory was still standing. But Harington will always be Snow and Snow will always be Harington, right? Maybe that’s what the Game of Thrones fans attending (and supposedly ruining) his Doctor Faustus performances were thinking when they talked throughout the show and ate McDonald’s.

Or at least that’s the picture The Telegraph paints, per multiple reports from drama critics, professionals and regular audience members throughout London. Perhaps the most damning condemnations from Richard Jordan, a producer, who described his “night at Doctor Faustus” as “possibly the worst West End audience I have ever encountered”:

Further down my row in the royal circle, after the interval, a couple saw nothing wrong in producing from their bag a box of McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets and a large side of fries. At the interval, they had popped out and purchased these to consume through the second half.

Egregious fast food consumption, “like listening to eating in Dolby Stereo,” wasn’t the only thing that bothered Jordan. Several attendees he somehow identified as “Game of Thrones fans” saw “nothing wrong in talking, eating and taking pictures throughout the show — or complaining when asked to stop”:

[Elsewhere] was some of the most blatant use of mobile phones to record video and take pictures I have witnessed. The ushers tried their best to stop it, but in the end just gave up.

The Telegraph lumped Jordan’s criticisms together with others voiced by theatergoers at other performances of other plays. However, neither the producer nor the British broadsheet offer any evidence proving whether or not the offending persons were, in fact, Game of Thrones fans. Unless, of course, the millions of people who no longer have anything to watch on Sunday nights now are exactly the type of people who eat McDonald’s and take pictures of their favorite stars whenever the occasion calls for it.

(Via The Telegraph)