‘Star Trek Beyond’ Drops Clips Featuring Jaylah And A Spoiler About Idris Elba’s Villain

Star Trek Beyond opens this Friday, so Paramount has released a new clip as well as a TV spot with a potentially huge spoiler (but we’ll hold off on the spoiler for a moment).

The clip features Scotty (Simon Pegg) meeting Jaylah (Sofia Boutella) for the first time. Jaylah was based on “Jennifer Lawrence in Winter’s Bone which was then shortened to “J. Law” then rewritten as “Jaylah.” As seen in the clip and a previous featurette, the description fits. Jaylah is intuitive, bright (a self-taught engineer), self-sufficient, quick to defend her position, and determined as all get out.

And now for the spoiler — and it seems like a big one to us, so feel free to skip the rest of this post if you don’t want to know any more about Idris Elba’s villain, Krall. We already know from a featurette that Krall is supposed to be from an alien race never seen in the franchise before, a bad guy who script co-writer Simon Pegg says has “a complex reason for his bad guy-ness.”

The TV spot below reveals quite a bit about his complex motivation. He’s looking very human in this clip, meaning his alien appearance in previous trailers may have been a modification to his DNA. The video is seemingly an old video log he made while trapped on a planet the Federation has abandoned. He’s not very happy with the Federation for that. So yes, every Star Trek movie since the reboot seems to be about one angry dude seeking revenge. Then again, when it’s Stringer Bell coming for vengeance, I’ll watch it as many times as they film it.

(Via ENI and Screen Rant)