One Very A-List Rapper Appears To Be Missing From The Latest ‘Degrassi’ Teaser Trailer

Though we have Canada to thank for maple syrup and Justin Bieber, perhaps the greatest gift our Northern brethren have shared with us is the teen drama, Degrassi. Pulling at our heartstrings during very formative years and fueling teenage angst around the world for many generations, Degrassi is nothing short of legendary. The show’s longevity has affirmed its icon status and on July 22, will be celebrating its 500th episode.

To mark this unbelievable milestone, OG cast members will be making their way back to Degrassi High to be featured on the premiere episode of Degrassi: Next Class’ second season. Yup, all Degrassi fans can rejoice as a slew of your most beloved characters reunite and bring us up to speed on their lives post high school.

In a short video posted to the Degrassi Facebook page, past favorites confirm their return to the infamous school as they stand in front of recognizable locations and happily declare, “I’m back.” However, while notorious queen bee Paige Michalchuk, lovable goofball Gavin “Spinner” Mason, heartthrob Craig Manning and a number of others verify their upcoming appearance on the Netflix series, one particular face is noticeably missing.

Jimmy Brooks, played by Aubrey Graham — a.k.a. DRAKE — appears to be too busy topping billboard charts and being a living legend to pop in for his high school reunion. While this is perhaps a bit understandable, it is no less disappointing as Jimmy Brooks was an important staple in the Degrassi franchise. Not only was he known for his sensational basketball skills and his on again-off again relationship with Ashley Kerwin, but Drake’s character also suffered one of the worst tragedies in Degrassi history.

Many of us can still conjure up tears thinking about Jimmy Brooks being shot and paralyzed following a school shooting carried out by Rick Murray. Confined to a wheelchair, with his basketball dreams dashed, the world sobbed for Jimmy Brooks, but luckily Brooks had a musical outlet that got him through (whatever it takes, remember?). Beyond his athletic abilities and M.O. for dramatic relationships, he seemed to have an undeniable talent for rapping.

Keep an eye out for the long awaited reunion coming to Netflix on Friday, July 22, and listen to Views to fill the Jimmy Brooks void.