Chauncey Billups: Blake Griffin is “Too Nice”

How good of a point guard/manager is Chauncey Billups? Earlier today he was able to wrangle Stephen A. Smith and Skip Bayless into a semi-coherent conversation. So congrats on that, Chauncey.

In the midst of that interview, Billups also had some pretty interesting things to say about Blake Griffin when Stephen A. asked him if he though Blake is “soft.” His answers come on the heels of a postseason that saw Zach Randolph question Griffin’s toughness not once but twice, and while also taking him to the deck.

Here is Chauncey’s quote:

“I don’t agree that Blake Griffin is soft. But what I will say about Blake is that he’s maybe too nice of a guy. Because there’s been times in games where people take shots at Blake. And I tell him if that’s me, you’re going to have to take this two- or three-game suspension, and I’m going to punish somebody.

“That’s just how I’m built. Blake is not really built like that. He’s … too soft of a guy inside for him to be like, ‘All right, I’m just going to hurt somebody.’ He just won’t do it. I wish he would, and I think that people would look at him a lot different if he did that. But he’s just not that kind of person.”

[Chauncey Billups says he’s interested in playing for the Miami Heat]

Here’s the video of the interview:

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