‘V For Vendetta’ Writer Alan Moore Recorded A Song In Support Of The Occupy Movement

Alan Moore, the mad genius behind Watchmen and V for Vendetta, is not a happy guy. The world’s falling apart, the British government has too much power, something about “tidal waves,” etc. etc. etc., but rather than blow up 10 Downing Street, like at the end of Vendetta, he instead recorded a song for Guy Fawkes Night.

“The Decline of English Murder,” named after a George Orwell essay of the same name, is a catchy little ditty you’ll be humming all day. When you’ve got, “And the houses in which they’ve invested their city bonuses/Have increased the property prices and therefore the homelessness” stuck in your head, it’s STAYING in your head. Listen/download the track here, and watch the creepy Natalie Portman schoolgirl video from Vendetta below.

Remember, remember, the Portman.

(Via NME)