A Game Developer Reimagined ‘Stranger Things’ As A ’90s Adventure Game

Netflix’s 80’s-drenched supernatural sci-fi teen drama Stranger Things has been one of 2016’s best surprises, paying tribute to tons (and I do mean tons) of old films and television shows. So while most of us have been bingeing on the eight-episode season and asking the hard-hitting questions, like what is Steve’s relation to Parks & Rec spoiled-brat Jean-Ralphio, others are expressing their love and fandom for the show in a different way.

As CNet points out, one indie game developer, Jacob Janerka, has gone as far as to create mock-ups of what Stranger Things would look like if done in the style of 90’s classic adventure games. You know the ones, games like Day of the Tentacle, The Secret of Monkey Island and Full Throttle. The results are breathtaking. Well, as long as you were a fan of those old games, but a show like Stranger Things does seem tailor-made for such a game.

If you haven’t seen the show yet, chances of that making a lick of sense are slim. The easiest way to remedy that is probably to fire up your Netflix and set aside a solid 8 hours to indulge in what has to be one of this year’s best kept secrets.

Oh, and Janerka didn’t have to stretch to make this mock-up, though, as he’s already working on an 80’s-inspired, 90’s-style adventure game of his own, called Paradigm.

(Via CNet)