Britney Spears Throws Serious Shade Taylor Swift’s Way That Mariah Carey Would Be Proud Of

britney spears taylor swift
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Britney Spears has met a lot of people in her life: Dan Aykroyd, the purple Teletubby, the other Jason Alexander. She’s probably forgotten at least 75 percent of them (sorry, Dan Aykroyd), because, to quote Homer Simpson (remember when Britney was on The Simpsons? She most likely doesn’t), “every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain.” That “old stuff” apparently includes Taylor Swift.

On the Kyle and Jackie O Show this weekend, Spears, who’s currently working on her ninth (!) album, was asked who she’d rather hang out with: Katy Perry or Public Enemy #1. She picked Taylor. Why? “I’ve never met her before.”

Um, Brit.

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That photo — of two pop stars who barely look like they can stand each other — was taken at the 2008 MTV Video Music Awards, when Britney was up for Video of the Year for “Piece of Me” (she won) and Taylor was nominated for Best New Artist (she lost to Tokio Hotel, which, lol). That’s one of two times they’ve met. The other was in 2003, but considering Taylor was a burgeoning songwriter and Abercrombie & Fitch model back then, it’s understandable why she wouldn’t leave an impression on Britney. This picture, though…

It’s harder to believe that Britney wouldn’t remember Taylor from the 2008 encounter. It’s possible, sure, but I’m choosing to believe she’s throwing some intricate shade Taylor’s way that even Mariah Carey would be proud of.

(Via BuzzFeed)