Stephen Colbert Returns With ‘The Werd’ On Trump’s March Of Controversy

As promised, Stephen Colbert seems to be keeping “The Word” alive on The Late Show, with his slight tweak. In the first post-convention edition of “Werd,” the topic is everybody’s favorite GOP loud mouth, Donald Trump. Specifically, it’s a long look through the various scandals that Trump has ignited since his presidential campaign started a year ago. He begins with Trump’s continuing war of words with Khizr Khan, noting how it almost overshadowed his ties with Vladimir Putin and Russia.

Using a series of shortened statements and “werds,” Colbert highlights how Trump maintains a string of terrible, offensive acts that seem to make us forget the previous terrible, offensive act. Trump seems to survive and carry on despite a string of controversy that would sink any typical candidate. Supporters seem to be able to look the other way and critics are hit with a barrage of outrageous antics that grab their attention.

Colbert is right, too. Some seem to have forgotten the day he floated down his golden escalator to call Mexicans murderers and rapists or how he threw mud into John McCain’s face for being a POW, all because he’s either attacked Megyn Kelly, Ted Cruz’s father, or the Khans. Colbert compares it to the old woman that swallowed a fly, but caps with an ominous prediction for if Trump succeeds in leaving all of his scandal behind.

Not bad for a return to the realm of The Colbert Report.

(Via The Late Show)