This Singer Amazingly Belted Out The Pokémon Theme Song In 20 Different Styles From The ’90s

Pokémon GO hysteria is still going strong, weeks on. With players going to injurious lengths to snag Metalgarurumons at their local park/alleyway, literally anything Pokémon-related is being hyped to no end. So why not combine that hype with two other ridiculously overblown things: genre-swapped covers and late ’90s music? That’s exactly what Anthony Vincent did with his latest Ten Second Songs clip, taking on the iconic Pokémon theme in the style of Destiny’s Child, Smash Mouth and other successful acts.

As much as Vincent’s hamminess can grate, even I can’t deny that the dude is a talented mimic with a ridiculously impressive vocal range. Even someone like me who couldn’t care about snagging a 1900 CP Blue Eyes White Dragon has to admit that his takes on Björk and Radiohead are spot-on. Stacked alongside 18 other styles, it’s an impressive feat (that will net the original singer of the iconic theme song exactly zero dollars). Check it out up top.

If you need more inspiration to get hyped about catching a million Mocchis, check out this video of Desiigner losing his ever-loving mind about Pokémon GO. And if you feel like you don’t have it in you to walk another step for your eggs to hatch at the Shrine of Starry Night, just know that some very sneaky New Orleanians are putting in a lot more work than you.

(Via Rolling Stone)