Last week, Texas A&M had the stupidest of stupid scandals. Two of the school’s football coaches spoke at a “Chalk Talk For Women” event, which sounds like the premise for a bit about idiot dudes saying crude sexual things that demean women. Well, it sort of was!
Assistant coaches Jeff Banks and Jim Turner had a presentation that was as offensive as it was unfunny. It referenced things like the spreading of legs and staying erect and finishing on top, and it made zero sense. In stepped Garbage Time With Katie Nolan to EVISCERATE … no, no … DESTROY … no … ANNIHILATE … sigh, we’ll get there.
Katie made some good jokes about the whole thing and the treatment of women as sports fans in general.
“Really, with this story? I thought for sure we were done with this tone-deaf trend of teams hosting events for ‘women’ and making them a huge pandering mess. I thought we were done in 2013 when the Astros hosted a Ladies Night where women could learn about baseball and enjoy complimentary beauty treatments. I’m not sure which of those the members of the Astros are less qualified to give me, but thanks.”
She turns the tables on the idea of a ladies night by showing what a men’s night would be like. It would feature things like “All You Can Eat Garbage” and “Pin The Boob On The Boob” and a free one-year Brazzers membership.
Actually, while that cuts me to my core, Katie, I’d sign up for that in a second.