Bob Odenkirk Is Open To A Saul Goodman ‘Breaking Bad’ Spin-off, But Don’t Put That On The Internet

Bob Odenkirk stopped by his hometown of Chicago last week, and while he was there he took part in something called a “creative salon,” which appears to have been a pretty standard Q&A, as opposed to, as I originally hoped, some sort of trippy barber shop where people get all sorts of multicolored, abstract art inspired haircuts. Anyway, as you can imagine, his role as Saul Goodman on Breaking Bad came up, especially as it relates to his interest in that potential spin-off showrunner Vince Gilligan alluded to over the summer. Sayeth Bob:

“Yeah, yeah, absolutely. But don’t put it on the Internet. I certainly don’t count on it; it’s showbiz.”

You hear him, everybody? Do NOT put that on the Internet.

AV Club via Chicago Sun-Times