There’s A ‘Candy Ass’ On The Set Of ‘Fast 8’ That Has The Rock Steaming Mad

Filming of Fast 8 is wrapping up this week and if Dwyane “The Rock” Johnson’s Instagram is an indication that’s a good thing for one of his co-stars. Johnson took to Instagram to post a clip from the new film, but the caption was the part that is catching everyone’s attention. Apparently a particular group of “candy asses” are bordering on being on the receiving end of a “People’s Elbow.”

The last thing some pretty baby-faced co-star needs in his life is to upset Dwayne Johnson. That’s not only career-suicide, that’s straight-up actual suicide. It smells a lot like someone is making The Rock wait, and we are pretty sure that’s not something he’s a huge fan of. Just the thought of The Rock staring a hole through a co-star that took an hour too long in his trailer is giving us a panic attack.

If you’re even in the pool of people The Rock could be talking about here your best course of action is to show up early with a fruit plate. The finish line is near, don’t take any chances. Johnson was nice enough to shoot this warning shot disguised as an Instagram post into the sky, and because of that, he’s likely saved countless co-star lives.