Robert Downey Jr. Made Fun Of Tom Hiddleston For His Infamous ‘I Love TS’ Tank Top

Welcome aboard the “mocking Tom Hiddleston for a tank top” train, Robert Downey Jr. This week, Hiddleston finally joined Instagram and his first post gave fans a look at the Avengers actor in full Loki costume. By most measures, a pretty good first post especially for somebody that hasn’t used Instagram before. His superhero co-star did him one better though, and welcomed him to the social media platform with some cold hearted (but still loving) mockery of that time Hiddles wore a shirt declaring his love for Taylor Swift in public for all the world (or at least all the world’s paparazzi) to see. Of course, Downey did it while not mentioned Taylor Swift’s name once, instead opting to interpret the “TS” portion of the message as “Tony Stark.” Now that’s an intriguing Avengers spinoff!

Taylor, and by extension the two-headed cutesy relationship monster Hiddleswift, have been laying low for the last few weeks but RDJ is doing the Lord’s work of reminding everyone of the weekend where Tom frolicked in the ocean with Tay and her friends while wearing what might be the most well-meaning yet still embarrassing piece of clothing in the history of celebrity relationships. They might be a real couple, they might be purely for PR purposes, but whatever Hiddleswift’s Facebook relationship status ends up being in the coming months or years it looks like Robert Downey Jr. is dead set on making sure people everywhere never forget the time Tom declared his love in mortifying and saccharine fashion.

(Via Vulture)