Carmelo Anthony Got A Front-Row Seat To A Brazilian Street Artist Painting A Mural Of Him

Carmelo Anthony had some time to kill on Monday afternoon. USA Basketball didn’t have a game – they don’t take the court again until Wednesday, when they will play in the quarterfinals of the Olympic basketball tournament – so he decided to spend his day exploring Brazil and going for a stroll into the favelas.

At some point during his tour of the famous slums of Brazil, Melo ran into an apparent fan who also happened to be good at spray paint art. The fan decided to sit the Knicks’ All-Star forward down and express his fondness for Anthony by spray painting a mural of Melo onto a wall. Thanks to Anthony’s Snapchat account, we were able to see the process behind this picture, along with the finished product.

While Anthony will probably take plenty of tangible things back to the United States with him from Brazil – okay, so he’s probably just going to bring back a medal and, like, some T-shirts – the experience of sitting in a favela and watching someone spray paint a mural of him is something that he’ll never forget.