This Company Turns Your Prized Ticket Stubs Into One-Of-A-Kind Floor Mats

Of all the cultural objects capable of literally arresting a person with nostalgia, music is arguably unparalleled. For some the memory of a first rock concert is just as intoxicatingly romantic, if not more so, than a first kiss. Music lovers document their experiences in numerous ways, the simplest of which is holding onto the actual ticket stub that allowed them entry to the show. Now those rather pedestrian looking slips of paper can be turned into something much more worthy of collecting.

Lakeside Photo Works is a Metairie, Louisiana-based company that transforms your most cherished pictures into books, calendars, or home decor. They also offer the unique service of turning any ticket stub into a one-of-a-kind floor mat. Although mailing the stub in is the best way to ensure a quality product, the website also accepts high-quality scanned images of the ticket. Or, if your home doesn’t include a floor in need of covering, you can choose to wake up every morning with a mug depicting your favorite concert memory.

The mats are available in two sizes (24″x 36″ or 36″x 60″) and range from $34 to $75. The website also stresses that all their work is done by “real live humans,” so you can rest assured that your prized ticket stub won’t be desecrated by some robot incapable of understanding or appreciating that time you saw Coldplay three nights in a row. And don’t worry, the original ticket is returned with your completed order, which means you can tuck it away again and make yourself feel super old in a decade or two.

(Via Consequence of Sound)