With all the music festivals that are popping up, it seems like we almost might be at an oversaturation at this point. To list even half of the new festivals that have emerged in the past couple years would take far more of your time that you’d care to give. Let’s just say, there have been a lot. But there’s always room for one more, apparently, at least according to our federal government. Thanks, Obama.
South By South Lawn is a new effort from the White House billed as a “festival of ideas, art, and action,” that will branch in several forms of the arts like music, film, and interactive, much like its original namesake SXSW. But unlike the party down south in Austin, you don’t need to pay hundreds of dollars for an exclusive wristband or know someone on the list. You have to nominate yourself (or someone else) because of what you can do for your community.
On October 3, the White House will convene creators, innovators, and organizers from across the country for an evening of music, film, and great ideas. It is a call to arms for every American to roll up their sleeves and make a positive mark on our country — and a celebration of the great work so many of us have already accomplished.
Know somebody creating change — big or small — in your community? We’re inviting you to nominate yourself or somebody you know to attend.
While no acts have been named yet to the fest, we can guess that maybe Leon Bridges, Chance the Rapper or maybe even Courtney Barnett will be included.
You can submit your nomination here by September 10.