Negan Lays Down The Law In The Newest Trailer For ‘The Walking Dead’ Season 7

We have just a little over a month to go before The Walking Dead returns on AMC.

Who knows if we’ll find out the identity of Lucille’s victim when season seven finally premieres — the show has become a fan of cliffhangers recently, so Robert Kirkman and the gang could plan on stringing us along for quite a while with this one, and there’s really nothing we could do about it.

Whether Glenn or Michonne or Maggie or Daryl make it out alive is anyone’s guess, and all theories are just speculating at this point, but one thing’s for sure — there’s a new world order and it’s time for the sheriff and his motley crew to get in line.

A new TV spot that aired during last night’s Fear the Walking Dead episode previewed what life is going to be like for the citizens of Alexandria now that Negan and his Saviors are in charge.

Contrary to the whole bat-wielding, psycho-killer vibe Negan’s got going for him right now, the leader actually does live by a set of rules — mainly, what’s yours is his thanks to his “protective services.” A leather jacket-sporting Jeffrey Dean Morgan can be seen patrolling his group of followers while spouting off creeds like “You earn what you take” and some other nonsense, presumably to our own band of survivors who will probably be forced to live under his boot come season seven.

Negan also likes it when people automatically bend the knee in his presence, so he’s definitely working with some kind of God complex. Unfortunately for Rick and the rest of the group, he’s got the manpower to enforce his delusions of grandeur.

Besides watching Morgan have fun playing crazy, a few explosions and another glimpse of Carol, the teaser doesn’t tell us much more than we already know — mainly, that season seven on The Walking Dead is shaping up to be the Negan show. Buckle in, everyone. It’s going to be a wild ride.