Best of NBA Instagram: Nick Young Wears Socks In The Pool

One our NBA fashion trendsetters on Instagram, Nick Young, rocked a whole new look after a workout yesterday while providing video evidence of his fashion faux pas.

After working out yesterday, Young decided to take a ride on what appears to be a giant inflatable water slide he discovered outside the Lorenzo Apartments near USC, Young’s alma mater. It makes sense that Swaggy P would workout near his former school since signing with the Lakers this summer. It also makes sense that he’d see a giant waterslide and just have to ride it. That’s why Nick Young is the best.

What’s a bit strange was his decision to leave his socks on during the inner tube plunge. It’s not something you’d expect from a fashion trendsetter. Maybe he was worried about the funky odor since he’d just come from working out? Regardless, don’t wear socks in the pool or on a water slide. Leaving the tank-top on is fine, but not the socks.


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