Starbucks Just Launched A Huge Documentary Project Called ‘Upstanders’

Starbucks is perhaps one of the most recognizable brands outside of McDonald’s and Coca-Cola for the modern American. It’s coffee, it’s vente, it’s grande, sometimes it comes with foam, sometimes it’s skinny, but it’s almost always burnt tasting and most of you really enjoy that. During a political season, most companies like to distance themselves from any sort of stance on anything, yet the Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has done anything but that, endorsing Hillary Clinton and pushing through initiatives to bring about hope and optimism instead of doom and gloom.

The latest initiative from Starbucks is an eleven-part documentary web series called Upstanders, which was released today. The premise behind Upstanders was to show everyday, average people making a difference in their communities and having a positive impact on the world around them. Each video is about five minutes long and showcases a different person’s story.

So while the world is sucking down pumpkin spice lattes and wondering why Starbucks is so expensive, it’s because they take their marketing money and spend it on trying to make people feel better about the world that they live in, which really isn’t that bad at all.

The entirety of Starbucks’ Upstanders can be found in a handy YouTube playlist here.

(Via Mashable)