JK The Reaper And Denzel Curry Are ‘Dressed 2 Kill’ In New Kaytranada-Produced Single


Nothing comes easy. Just ask JK The Reaper. Despite having quite a few things go right for him to see his new single “Dressed 2 Kill” come to fruition, the buzzing North Carolina rapper apparently recorded the song three or four times and had seven different mixes. If that doesn’t tell listeners how dedicated The Reaper is to getting his tunes right, nothing will. Thankfully, this banger was worth the effort.

Produced by Kaytranada after a chance meeting at Art Basel in Miami, JK’s polished single carries all the qualities needed to succeed beyond Soundcloud.

This conceptual lady killer is built on a foundation of booming 808s that sound like they’re riding a rollercoaster, mingled with sinister sampled bells that add an extra layer of melody to the mix. Plus, the always reliable Denzel Curry drops a flawless sixteen, which amps up the track even further. Couple Curry’s fire and the sinister instrumental with bold lyrics from the Greensboro rapper and listeners should be turning tricks to this one in no time.

The morale of the story here is for rappers who think they can do no wrong. Refinement is the key to success. JK The Reaper didn’t think his single was good enough initially, and by waiting, he wound up getting a high-end production upgrade and earned way more fans to appreciate the final product along the way. Patience is a virtue people.

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