Not Only Is Jazz Cartier A Great Rapper, He’s Also One Of Toronto’s Most Dapper

One of this year’s most overlooked projects is Hotel Paranoia by rising Toronto rapper Jazz Cartier, which our very own Aspektz described as “full of anthems about getting turnt, promiscuous adventures and big chested boasts about being Prince of the City.” Jacuzzi La Fleur has also released a few loosies recently, including his frenetic tribute to idol Lil Wayne and hypnotic slow jam “Ring 4X” with Ye Ali.

It turns out the rapper born as Jaye Adams has more in common with Lil Wayne than just rapping: he’s a creative dresser who has a flair for fashion. For example, he gave Toronto Life an anecdote about how he was inspired to break his private school’s uniform rules by the TV show The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. He would turn the blazer inside out just like Will Smith’s character, so the the lining showed. He also experimented with different types of tie knots. “Even then, I tested the limits,” Cartier stated.

Now, Cartier has gone for a more subtle look inspired by his stay in Kuwait during his stepdad’s diplomatic posting. “There, everything is fitted and tailored,” he said. “The men carry themselves to a very high standard.” As such, the rapper’s style has evolved into a look that Toronto Life describes as “midway between meticulous suiting and monochromatic streetwear. It’s part Japanese deconstruction, part Jay Z.”

Why the change? “I’m just not trying as hard,” Carter said. “I don’t have to prove anything to anybody.” Given his standing in the Toronto scene and beyond, he could be talking about his music career, too. Either way, the Prince of the City is a force to be reckoned with. With Lil Wayne retired from rapping (for now, at least) Cartier might have a shot at the title of Greatest Rapper Alive some day.

Read the full profile at Toronto Life and in case you missed it, stream Hotel Paranoia below.