John Stamos And Bob Saget Hung Out And Sang Beatles Songs On Thanksgiving

WHAT WE KNOW: On Thanksgiving, John Stamos posted this photo on Instagram with the caption “happy thanksgiving – stay blessed. As you can see, he is sitting with his former Full House co-star Bob Saget at a piano, and the two of them appear to be performing Beatles songs together while wearing neat, fancy hats.

WHAT WE DON’T KNOW: Where their other adult co-star from the show, Dave Coulier, was at the time of the picture.

WHAT WE THINK WE KNOW: Our working theory right now is that Saget and Stamos made plans to hang out on Thanksgiving and play Beatles songs in neat, fancy hats, but they didn’t realize Coulier overheard their conversation. Then he came over and was like “Oh man, I love the Beatles and neat, fancy hats! Can I join you guys? It’ll be just like old times,” and Saget and Stamos were all “Errrr, uhhhh, we… it’s kind of a two-man thing, and you probably wouldn’t like it, but if you really wanna come, I guess you c-” and then Coulier was like “GREAT. SEE YOU THERE. I’LL BRING MY DRUMS” and Saget and Stamos were all “Drums?” but Coulier excitedly skipped off before they could protest.

Then on Thanksgiving Day Coulier started calling them at 7 a.m. They tried to ignore him but he kept calling and calling andcallingandcallingandcalling. Finally Stamos picked up and was like, “Yeah, sorry. I was in a tunnel. Just meet us at 555, uh, Maple…Oak…Cherry Street. At 8 p.m.” and Coulier was all “GOT IT. 555 MAPLEOAKCHERRY STREET AT 8!” He left his house extra early (“Wanna make sure I have time to set up my drums!”), plugged 555 Mapleoakcherry Street into his GPS (“Hmmm. Doesn’t seem to be showing up. Must be some super-cool, super-secret place John knows about. He’s so cool.), then drove around Los Angeles all night, stopping periodically in shadier and shadier neighborhoods to ask if anyone knew where 555 Mapleoakcherry Street was. He returned home alone at 3 a.m. after someone held him up at gunpoint and stole his drums.

We also think Saget and Stamos sang “Hey Jude.”

via Vulture